



東日本大震災のとき、私は自宅で被災し、熊本県防災消防航空隊「ひばり」に救出された。その後、約4年にわたり、消防隊員の堀 信昭さん、西村 澄生さん、西村 義盛さんと文通している。今年3月、みなさんと石巻で再会することができた。
東日本大震災での救助体験を元に、災害への心構えについて、小学校などで講演を続けている。「仕事を通してみなさんとのつながりや絆を感じられたことがとてもうれしいです。この仕事をしていて本当によかったと感じます。いつまでも現場の気持ちを忘れずに仕事をしたいです」と、西村 澄生さんは話してくれた。


取材・文:村松 鈴音(門脇中学校3年生)


When the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, I was rescued from my house by the Kumamoto Prefectural Fire Fighting Disaster Prevention Air Corps on their helicopter, called the “HIBARI”. Since then, I have been exchanging letters with the firefighters Mr. Nobuaki Hori, Mr. Sumio Nishimura and Mr. Yoshimori Nishimura for around four years. I was able to be reunited with them at Ishinomaki this year in March. Coverage and article by Rinne Muramatsu (Kadonowaki Junior High School 3rd Grade) The Great East Japan Earthquake happened at 14:46 on March 11th, 2011. Soon after that at 17:38, the “HIBARI” helicopter set off from Kumamoto. When entering the disaster zone, the sheer tragedy of the scene left the firefighters at a loss for words. The firefighters said they felt that they must quickly find and rescue as many people as possible. They experienced things that they had not experienced before in their rescue operations during the Great East Japan Earthquake, which made it very hard for them. Because of strong winds, rescues via helicopter were carried out cautiously by confirming their locations over wireless radio to make sure no one hit the buildings. There were 79 people who were rescued by the HIBARI during this time. The HIBARI’s operating time is from sunrise to sunset and it is able to function for an hour and a half to two hours at a time. As Sendai Airport was struck by the disaster, fuel could only be found by going to Yamagata, and it is said that four trips had to be made in a single day. After four and a half days of rescue operations, the firefighters returned to Kumamoto. “I wanted to stay for as long as I can and save as many people as possible, even if it meant just one more person. When firefighters are sent out, they keep on working until the fire is put out. But at that time, we had to go back in the middle of things. That was really hard.” said Mr. Hori. What kept him going was the support of his family. “When I departed from Kumamoto, they saw me off and told me to, ‘Be careful’. My daughter was distant towards me, but when I came back from Ishinomaki, we became much closer. I really felt a renewed sense of just how important a family is.” They continue to hold lectures on the mental preparation needed when facing a disaster based on their experiences during the Great East Japan Earthquake. “I’m happy that I’m able to feel a bond between us and everyone through our work. I’m really glad that this is my job. I want to keep on working while always remembering the feeling of being on the scene.” Mr. Sumio Nishimura told us. “I want to continue doing my best with everyone in Tōhoku! We’ll be cheering you on from Kumamoto, so do your best to keep rising everyone’s spirits!! Also, Kumamoto is a wonderful place with delicious food from the mountains and seas, and there’s also Kumamon the mascot. Please come and visit sometime!” said Mr. Yoshimori Nishimura. That same Kumamoto suffered severe damages from an earthquake with a magnitude observed to be 7.0 at its highest on April 16th, 2016. We give our prayers to those who have lost their lives and we wish from all the way in Miyagi for recovery to happen as soon as possible, even by just one day. Gamadase*!
Kumamoto! *“Don’t give up” in Kumamoto dialect.

Covered and Written by Rinne Muramatsu, 3rd grade, Kadonowaki Junior High School
Translated by Jennifer Hikari Dixon

Copyright (C) Kodomo Mirai Kenkyusho. All Rights Reserved.