
石巻日日こども商店 12月11日オープン


株式会社木の屋石巻水産 × 風の子応援プロジェクト
開発のきっかけを作ってくれた代表の大塚徹さんは「石巻の子どもたちの教育支援を仲間たちに呼びかけたら、たくさんの企業が手を挙げてくれました。さまざまな活動を通じて、ものを作り出す喜び、作り出したものが認められる喜びを子どもたちに感じてもらうことが、 最大の目的であり、私たちの喜びです」と話している。



【文】丹野 里奈 (山下小学6年生)

“Ishinomaki Hibi Kodomo Shoten” is a project aiming to solve problems and spread local specialties using the ideas from children. It started in September of 2016, and after extensive research and planning, our first product is finally going to be produced! It will go one sale online soon. Kinoya Ishinomaki Suisan Inc. makes canned foods using fish freshly caught in the morning with their own methods. This time, three elementary school children sought to design labels for soy sauce flavored saury, spicy miso flavored saury and miso flavored mackerel.   Keisuke Sakai (Ishinomaki elementary school grade 5) who drew a picture of saury commented, “I thought it was so cool that my drawing became a label on the cans. I like my use of colors. At first, the saury I drew was too fat and people told me it was weird, but I’m glad that I was able to draw one that I liked in the end.” The CEO of the company, Yuya Kimura expressed his excitement: “The powerful title letters really drew my attention. I can really appreciate the warm daily lives in Ishinomaki and feel the freshness and vibrancy through this label.” The canning does not use preservatives, and the bones are made soft so that children and elderly can also eat safely as well. Its expiration date is after three years of production so you can also store it as emergency food. The biggest supporter for developing this product is the people in Kazenoko Supporting Project. They helped us with ordering, managing the inventory and also selling. Kazenoko Supporting Project is a group of businesses that supports the activates of the children. Representative Toru Otsuka who started the project says, “When I called out to my peers for supporting the education of children in Ishinomaki, many businesses were willing to cooperate. Our main goal is to have the children feel the joy of creating something new and being recognized. Feeling their joy is also our joy, and makes our work so worth it.” On a day in 2013, Keisuke Sakai, who was grade 2 then, was questioning why donation boxes only fit coins. Thus, he decided to make a donation box that also fits bills. He used the donation boxes in shrines as a clue since he noticed that many donations can be gathered in these boxes. He took 4 years to complete his product. CEO Hideki Konno who cooperated for the development commented, “there is a lot for adults to learn from the works that children produce. They are simple, easy to understand, and their straightforward perception of “cute” and “cool” is really refreshing for us. We are so glad that we can make those ideas into a reality.” Keishiro Komata, a fourth grade student in Oomagari Elementary School, designed the colorful title letters. He wrote them in one sitting without hesitation. The design of “Rotary,” in which he used vivid colors to express the Rotary Engines in cars, is going to be used in many other products as well. Stay tuned.
Kaki Su (蘇 家琪) |Choate Rosemary Hall 3年生

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